* Remove Thunderbird and Audacity. Don't add Geary to new installs but don't remove it in case it comes with the distro.
* Remove Thunderbird from Favorites.
* Add more systems to Dev branch.
* Add sudo so older distros don't ask for password on every app update.
* Alias for sync to help save some time typing.
* Post less often to hopefully allow keeping up a year of data in less than 16GB.
* Allow workstations to use printers without manual intervention.
* Section does more than UI work.
* Fix file path.
* Upgrade nanominer to 3.3.13.
* Add more chances for script to automatically restart.
* Add the minhashrate for x570.
* Up the minimum for x570.
* Fix "1: syntax error, unexpected USERGROUP, expecting END or ':' or '\n'" on FreeBSD.
* Correct FreeBSD package manager.
ansible -m setup localhost | grep ansible_pkg_mgr
"ansible_pkg_mgr": "pkgng"
* Set vi as EDITOR.
* Add FreeBSD to distros that include make. It does not have an install from pkg.
* Make on FreeBSD hates dash-to-dock's Makefile. GMake has better luck.
* Update supported OS's.
* Create HUGO file.
* Add HUGO.
* Add script for running system against development branch.
* Add newline to end of file.
* Comment unused blocks.
* Add path of site that HUGO should host.
* Newlines, comments, and HUGO path. (#2) (#3)
* Create HUGO file.
* Add HUGO.
* Add script for running system against development branch.
* Add newline to end of file.
* Comment unused blocks.
* Add path of site that HUGO should host.
* FreeBSD is complaining about certbot not having dict object stdout. This whole playbook is supposed to be skipped though, lol.
* FreeBSD 13 is still mad. Ansible 2.11.2, jinja 2.11.2 (same version number??), Python 3.8.10.
* Fix root group to be existing variable. FreeBSD uses wheel.
* Allow choosing Github branch dynamically.
* `branch` needs to be at General level. Testing if this works...
* Change other `localhost` to `everything`.
* Update FreeBSD status.
* Goodbye, Code-OSS on Linux!
* Delete a terrible file.
* Remove excess tag.
* "Fix" SSHFS for FreeBSD.
* Variablize FreeBSD's loading of fusefs.
* Variablize /etc/rc.conf. Enable FuseFS more properly.
* Add beginning ticks.
* Add missing playbook.
* Enable FreeBSD mount job.
* Rearrange items to be more consistent with comment.
* It seems FreeBSD removed the `gnome3` metapackage. Use `gnome3-lite` instead. Also add Telegram.
* Python is to 3.8 now.
* Expand on FreeBSD work.
* Expand on FreeBSD work.
* Add placeholders for Gitlab.
* Add parameter for Gitlab install.
* Add Gitlab playbook.
* Ensure FreeBSD uses the correct Python install.
* Add newline.
* Fix NFS for FreeBSD workstations.
* Remove unnecessary line, restricted install to Linux in playbook.
* Fix mount options for FreeBSD.
* Fix mount number, as well as system-specific facts.
* Add placeholders for remote viewing.
* Add RDP for FreeBSD.
* Omg! It works! Add setting enforcement.
* Always remove OSS.
* Remove hosts from explicit dev testing.