* Add normal Firefox flatpak in case Librewolf is ever too strict. Keep having it installed from package in case the flatpak version still has issues.
* Add missing interpretation.
* Add a check which makes sure the user does not mistake a *compressed* file for being smaller.
* Add a timestamp for when the program completed.
* Add today's version of shrink.sh with an extra comment.
* Add a comment regarding the final resolution.
* Create file which will allow the full-scale downsizing of a media library.
* Add goals and skeleton.
* Rearrange variable setup.
* Fix permissions.
* Add most functionality, has not been fully tested.
* Add spacing and a success message.
* Program is testing really well, most functionality seems to exist.
* BASH should handle this fine with "".
* Fix spaces in names, add prompt to delete compressed files which grew.
* Image compression program complete, remove old optionless shrink program.