* Assign test to dev branch.
* Update telegraf Linux binary.
* First attempt at making sure sendmail is on FreeBSD systems.
* Change gitlab_url to be specified in host file.
* Upgrade nanominer.
* Fix FINISH file being populated without START on non-containers.
* Prevent installer from trying to set up certificate.
* Fix name spacing.
* Fix gitlab_url variable.
* Change names to show both parameter name and value.
* Fix gitlab_url values to contain the protocol.
* Fix gitlab_url example.
* Remove Thunderbird and Audacity. Don't add Geary to new installs but don't remove it in case it comes with the distro.
* Remove Thunderbird from Favorites.
* Add more systems to Dev branch.
* Add sudo so older distros don't ask for password on every app update.
* Alias for sync to help save some time typing.
* Post less often to hopefully allow keeping up a year of data in less than 16GB.
* Allow workstations to use printers without manual intervention.
* Section does more than UI work.
* Fix file path.
* Upgrade nanominer to 3.3.13.
* Add more chances for script to automatically restart.
* Add the minhashrate for x570.
* Up the minimum for x570.
* Fix "1: syntax error, unexpected USERGROUP, expecting END or ':' or '\n'" on FreeBSD.
* Correct FreeBSD package manager.
ansible -m setup localhost | grep ansible_pkg_mgr
"ansible_pkg_mgr": "pkgng"
* Set vi as EDITOR.
* Add FreeBSD to distros that include make. It does not have an install from pkg.
* Make on FreeBSD hates dash-to-dock's Makefile. GMake has better luck.
* Update supported OS's.