--- # Ensure the proper users have sudo access. - name: General | Account Management | Sudo | Copy Ansible copy: src: sudo/sudoers_ansible dest: "{{ sudoers_install_dir }}" owner: root group: "{{ root_group }}" mode: 0440 - name: General | Account Management | Sudo | Copy Sudo Group copy: src: sudo/sudoers_sudo dest: "{{ sudoers_install_dir }}" owner: root group: "{{ root_group }}" mode: 0440 # Disable these two lines in openSUSE default configuration. #Defaults targetpw # ask for the password of the target user i.e. root #ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL # WARNING! Only use this together with 'Defaults targetpw'! - name: General | Account Management | Sudo | Disable openSUSE Root PW Prompt lineinfile: path: "{{ sudoers_config }}" regexp: '{{ item.key }}' line: '{{ item.value }} # MANAGED BY ANSIBLE' state: present create: yes backup: yes loop: - { "key": '^[\#]?Defaults targetpw', "value": '#Defaults targetpw'} - { "key": '^[\#]?ALL ALL\=\(ALL\) ALL', "value": '#ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL'}