--- # Create and configure default users for all machines. ## Variables ## - name: General | Account Management | Users | Use BASH (Default) set_fact: user_shell: "{{ bash_exec.stdout }}" - name: General | Account Management | Users | Allow BASH (Arch) lineinfile: path: /etc/shells regexp: "{{ bash_exec.stdout }}" line: "{{ bash_exec.stdout }}" insertbefore: "# End of file" backup: yes create: no state: present when: ansible_distribution == "Archlinux" #- name: General | Account Management | Users | Use ZSH (Arch+Manjaro) # set_fact: # user_shell: "{{ zsh_exec.stdout }}" # when: ansible_distribution == "Archlinux" # #- name: General | Account Management | Users | Allow ZSH (Arch) # lineinfile: # path: /etc/shells # regexp: "{{ zsh_exec.stdout }}" # line: "{{ zsh_exec.stdout }}" # insertbefore: "# End of file" # backup: yes # create: no # state: present # when: ansible_distribution == "Archlinux" ## Root ## - name: General | Account Management | Users | Root user: name: root shell: "{{ bash_exec.stdout }}" create_home: yes generate_ssh_key: yes register: user_root ## Scheduler ## - name: General | Account Management | Users | Ansible user: name: ansible comment: Ansible system: yes register: user_ansible ## Superuser ## - name: General | Account Management | Users | User user: name: "{{ user }}" comment: "{{ user_desc }}" groups: - sudo - video - render - wheel append: yes shell: "{{ user_shell }}" create_home: yes generate_ssh_key: yes register: user_user - name: General | Account Management | Users | User | Test Logging In shell: "echo SUCCESS" args: executable: "{{ user_shell }}" become_user: "{{ user }}" ## Folders ## - name: General | Account Management | Users | Root | Create Folders file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory mode: '0755' loop: - "{{ user_root.home }}/bin" - "{{ user_root.home }}/Downloads" - "{{ user_root.home }}/TRASH" when: user_root.home != "" - name: General | Account Management | Users | User | Create Folders file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory mode: '0755' loop: - "{{ user_user.home }}/bin" - "{{ user_user.home }}/LBRY" - "{{ user_user.home }}/TRASH" - "{{ user_user.home }}/Downloads" - "{{ user_user.home }}/Reports" become_user: "{{ user }}" when: user_user.home != "" - name: General | Account Management | Users | User | Create Folders | Coding file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory mode: '0755' loop: - "{{ user_user.home }}/Code" become_user: "{{ user }}" when: user_user.home != "" and coding == true - name: General | Account Management | Users | Home Permissions shell: "chmod 700 {{ user_user.home }}/../*" ## Files ## - name: General | Account Management | Users | Files | RC Variables set_fact: alias_cp: alias cp='cp -v' alias_mv: alias mv='mv -v' alias_rm: alias rm='echo "Use mv ~/TRASH/ instead!"' export_path_additions: export PATH="~/bin:"{{ global_bin }}":$PATH" function_wttr: | function weather() { # 20210301 - Someone showed me an awesome weather API! Had to implement it! if [[ "$1" == "-"* || $2 != "" ]]; then echo 'USAGE: weather [location] Any "-" paramaters call the usage since this function does not take any options. Location is optional since the API can determine your connection'"'"'s location. Useful location types: $zip_code | Ex: 12345 $city,$state | Ex: Austin,Texas @$domain_dot_extension | Ex: @gitea.com ~$special_location | Ex: ~Manitou Incline Full documentation: https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in' return 1 fi curl "https://wttr.in/${1//\ /+}" } export_PS1: export PS1='[\u@\h \w]\$ ' alias_remount: | alias remount=' sudo umount /mnt/* sudo umount /mnt/*/* sudo mount -a echo -e "\nRemount completed!" mount | grep /mnt ' function_update: | function update() { PROG=$FUNCNAME usage="Usage: $PROG [-y] $PROG is used to run all the system's package manager commands in one swoop. Flow stops if any command returns a failure code. The hope is to run something as easy as 'pacman -Syyu'. -y : Assume yes to any prompts. -g : Shutdown after updating. -s : System updates only, no Flatpaks. -f : Flatpaks only, no system updates." unset OPTIND unset accept unset goodbye unset only_sys unset only_flat while getopts ":hygsf" opt; do case $opt in h) echo -e "$usage" return 0 ;; y) accept="-y" ;; g) goodbye="Y" ;; s) only_sys="Y" ;; f) only_flat="Y" ;; *) echo "ERROR: -$OPTARG is not a recognized option." >&2 echo -e "$usage" return 1 ;; esac done if [[ "$only_flat" == "Y" ]]; then echo -e "\n*** Only Flatpaks - Skipping System Updates ***\n\n" else {{ update_package_manager }} fi if [[ "$goodbye" == "Y" && "{{ battery }}" == "True" ]]; then echo -e "\n*** Only System Updates - Skipping Flatpak ***\n\n" elif [[ "$only_sys" == "Y" ]]; then echo -e "\n*** Manually Skipping Flatpak ***\n\n" else {{ update_flatpak }} fi echo "*** Completed Successfully ***" if [[ $goodbye == "Y" ]]; then bye fi return 0 } function_update_firmware: | function update-firmware() { PROG=$FUNCNAME usage="Usage: $PROG [-y] $PROG is used to run the firmware updater in one swoop. Flow stops if any command returns a failure code. The hope is to run something as easy as 'pacman -Syyu' but for non-Arch systems. -y : Assume yes to any prompts." unset OPTIND unset accept while getopts ":hy" opt; do case $opt in h) echo -e "$usage" return 0 ;; y) accept="-y" ;; *) echo "ERROR: -$OPTARG is not a recognized option." >&2 echo -e "$usage" return 1 ;; esac done {{ update_firmware }} echo "*** Completed Successfully ***" return 0 } alias_sync: alias sync='date && echo "Syncing!" && sync && date' export_editor: export EDITOR='vi' init_aliases: | alias init-video=' mkdir -v raw mkdir -v exports cp ~/Templates/*video* ./ ' alias init-vid=init-video alias init-program=' echo "#!/usr/bin/env bash" echo "# `date +%Y-%m-%d` Hyperling" echo "" echo "exit 0" ' alias init-prog=init-program bye_aliases: | alias bye="{{ shutdown_command }}" alias goodbye="update -yg" metasploit_aliases: | alias metasploit="msfconsole" alias hax="metasploit" show_config_aliases: | alias show-config-gen="cat {{ gen_file }}" alias show-config-wrk="cat {{ wrk_file }}" alias show-config-mnr="cat {{ mnr_file }}" alias show-config-srv="cat {{ srv_file }}" alias show-config-all=" show-config-gen && echo '' && show-config-wrk && echo '' && show-config-mnr && echo '' && show-config-srv " alias show-config="show-config-all" edit_config_aliases: | alias edit-config-gen="sudo $EDITOR {{ gen_file }}" alias edit-config-wrk="sudo $EDITOR {{ wrk_file }}" alias edit-config-mnr="sudo $EDITOR {{ mnr_file }}" alias edit-config-srv="sudo $EDITOR {{ srv_file }}" function_check_trash: | function check-trash() { unset OPTIND unset clean unset network while (( $# > 0 )); do case $1 in -c | -y | --clean ) clean="Y" ;; -n | -net | --network ) network="Y" ;; * ) echo " ERROR: Option '$1' with value '$2' not recognized. $PROG [-c|-y|--clean] [-n|-net|--network] " >&2 return 1 ;; esac shift done echo "clean=$clean" echo "network=$network" echo "Grabbing sudo permissions..." sudo echo "Success! Starting search..." function dirs_to_check { echo "/root 0" echo "/home 4" echo "/media 0" } dirs_to_check | while read dir depth; do if [[ "$depth" != 0 ]]; then maxdepth="-maxdepth $depth" fi sudo="sudo" if [[ "$dir" == "/media" ]]; then sudo="" dir="$dir/$LOGNAME" fi echo "Checking $dir..." $sudo find $dir -name TRASH | while read trash; do if [[ "$trash" != "" && `$sudo ls -a $trash` ]]; then echo "Found $trash with contents:" $sudo du -ha $trash | sort -h if [[ "$clean" == "Y" ]]; then echo "Cleaning trash..." $sudo sh -c "cd $trash; rm -rfv ..?* .[!.]* *" fi fi done $sudo find $dir $maxdepth -name "*"Trash"*" | while read trash; do if [[ "$trash" != "" && `$sudo ls -a $trash` ]]; then echo "Found $trash with contents:" $sudo du -ha $trash | sort -h if [[ "$clean" == "Y" ]]; then echo "Cleaning trash..." $sudo sh -c "cd $trash; rm -rfv ..?* .[!.]* *" fi fi done done if [[ "$network" == "Y" ]]; then function network_to_check { find /mnt -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 } network_to_check | while read dir; do echo "Checking $dir..." sudo find $dir -name TRASH | while read trash; do if [[ "$trash" != "" && `sudo ls -a $trash` ]]; then echo "Found $trash with contents:" sudo du -ha $trash | sort -h if [[ "$clean" == "Y" ]]; then echo "Cleaning trash..." sudo sh -c "cd $trash; rm -rfv ..?* .[!.]* *" fi fi done sudo find $dir -name .Trash"*" | while read trash; do if [[ "$trash" != "" && `sudo ls -a $trash` ]]; then echo "Found $trash with contents:" sudo du -ha $trash | sort -h if [[ "$clean" == "Y" ]]; then echo "Cleaning trash..." sudo sh -c "cd $trash; rm -rfv ..?* .[!.]* *" fi fi done done fi echo "Checking but not cleaning /var/mail..." du -ha /var/mail | sort -h return 0 } alias check_trash="check-trash" alias_clean_trash: alias clean-trash='check-trash --clean' alias_trash_check: alias trash-check='check-trash' alias_trash_clean: alias trash-clean='trash-check --clean' alias_clean_dir: | function clean-dir() { clean_dir="`date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'`_CLEANED" trash_dir="$HOME/TRASH/$clean_dir" curr_dir="`pwd`" mkdir -pv "$trash_dir" echo "$curr_dir is being cleaned at `date`." | tee "$trash_dir"/INFO.txt mv -v ..?* .[!.]* * "$trash_dir"/ | tee -a "$trash_dir"/INFO.txt } function_clean: | function clean() { sudo du -hs clean-dir sudo du -hs } function_flatpak_usage: | function flatpak-usage() { flatpak list --columns=application | while read app; do size=`flatpak info -s $app 2>/dev/null` if [[ ! -z $size ]]; then mb=$(( size / (1000*1000) )) echo "${mb} MB, $size Bytes, $app" fi done | sort -n } function_flatpak_purge: | function flatpak-purge() { flatpak remove --all --delete-data && flatpak repair && echo -n "Finished purging all Flatpak apps. " && echo "Executable may still need uninstalled." && return echo "ERROR: Something went wrong while removing Flatpak apps!" >&2 } alias_vim: alias vi=vim alias_here: alias here='ls -alh `pwd`/*' alias_docker_reload: | alias docker-reload=' docker compose down && docker compose build && docker compose up -d ' alias_docker_update: | alias docker-update=' docker compose down && docker compose pull && docker compose build && docker compose up -d ' function_docker_upgrade: | function docker-upgrade() { # Wrapper for a full-scale upgrade and log view of a container. # Paramaters: # 1) Container ID or Container Name, as seen in 'docker ps' command. container=$1 if [[ -z $container ]]; then echo "ERROR: Container name or ID is required." >&2 return; fi if [[ -n $2 ]]; then echo "ERROR: A second parameter is not expected, aborting." >&2 return; fi # Ensure the container exists. Should be found even if stopped. exists=`docker ps | grep -c $container` if [[ $exists != "1" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Container '$container' was not found." >&2 echo "Please choose from the available list:" docker ps return; fi echo "*** Going Down ***" && docker compose down && echo "*** Upgrading Images ***" && docker compose pull && echo "*** Building Containers ***" && docker compose build && echo "*** Starting Daemons ***" && docker compose up -d && echo "*** Following Log ***" && echo "Press ^C to escape." && docker logs -f $container } alias_docker_restart: | alias docker-restart='docker compose down && docker compose up -d' alias_code_check: | alias code-check=' ls -d ~/Code/* | while read project; do if [[ ! -d $project ]]; then continue fi echo "*** `basename $project` ***" cd $project if [[ -d .git ]]; then git pull git push else echo "Not a Git project, skipping!" fi done ' alias_code_reset: | alias code-reset=' ls -d ~/Code/* | while read project do echo "*** `basename $project` ***" cd $project git stash git switch main git pull git branch -D dev git checkout dev done ' function_code_reseed: | function git_projects_to_sync { cat <<- EOF env-ansible env-docker env-termux nodejs-website android-break-the-habit android-tictactoe android-expense-tracker android-example-database-room android-carb-up ebook-health-protocol EOF } function code-reseed { unseed_dir="$HOME/TRASH/`date ++%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`_UnseededCodeProjects" mkdir -pv "$unseed_dir" mv -v ~/Code/* "$unseed_dir"/ 2>/dev/null git_repo_ssh={{ git_repo_ssh }} git_main_project={{ git_project }} git_repo_ssh_basename=${git_repo_ssh//$git_main_project/} git_projects_to_sync | while read git_project; do git clone ${git_repo_ssh_basename}${git_project} \ --branch dev ~/Code/$git_project done } function_clean_filenames: | function clean-filenames() { # Must provide the directory you'd like to clean all the filenames in. # Otherwise defaults to the current directory and all of its files. dir="$1" if [[ -z $dir ]]; then echo -e "Using current directory." dir="." fi ls "$dir" | while read file; do clean="${file//IMG/}" clean="${clean//_/}" clean="${clean//-/}" clean="${clean// /}" if [[ "$file" != "$clean" && ! -d "$file" ]]; then mv -v "$dir"/"$file" "$dir"/"$clean" fi done } function_clean_filenames_tree: | function clean-filenames-tree() { find ./ | while read folder; do if [[ -d "$folder" ]]; then echo -e "\n*** Checking '$folder' ***" clean-filenames "$folder" fi done echo -e "\nDone!\n" } alias_clone: | alias clone="rsync -auPhz --delete" export_hyperling: | export HYPERLING6="2a07:e03:3:80::1" export HYPERLING4="" export HYPERLING="$HYPERLING4" source_docker_env: | DOCKER_SOURCE="/opt/Docker/source.env" if [[ -e $DOCKER_SOURCE && $LOGNAME == "root" ]]; then source $DOCKER_SOURCE fi alias_scan: | alias scan="nmap -A -p- --script=vuln" - name: General | Account Management | Users | Files | Common Variable set_fact: rc_common: | {{ export_path_additions }} {{ alias_cp }} {{ alias_mv }} {{ alias_rm }} {{ alias_clean_dir }} {{ alias_clean_trash }} {{ function_wttr }} {{ export_PS1 }} {{ alias_remount }} {{ function_update }} {{ function_update_firmware }} {{ alias_sync }} {{ export_editor }} {{ init_aliases }} {{ bye_aliases }} {{ metasploit_aliases }} {{ show_config_aliases }} {{ edit_config_aliases }} {{ function_check_trash }} {{ function_clean }} {{ function_flatpak_usage }} {{ function_flatpak_purge }} {{ alias_vim }} {{ alias_here }} {{ alias_docker_reload }} {{ alias_docker_update }} {{ function_docker_upgrade }} {{ alias_docker_restart }} {{ alias_code_check }} {{ alias_code_reset }} {{ function_code_reseed }} {{ function_clean_filenames }} {{ function_clean_filenames_tree }} {{ alias_clone }} {{ export_hyperling }} {{ source_docker_env }} {{ alias_scan }} - name: General | Account Management | Users | Files | .bashrc blockinfile: path: "{{ item }}/.bashrc" block: | {{ rc_common }} [[ $(whoami) != "root" ]] && echo "`date` - Ansible .bashrc loaded successfully!" marker: '# {mark} MANAGED BY ANSIBLE | Aliases' state: present create: yes backup: yes loop: - "{{ user_root.home }}" - "{{ user_user.home }}" ignore_errors: yes when: user_root.home != "" and user_user.home != "" - name: General | Account Management | Users | Files | .zshrc blockinfile: path: "{{ item }}/.zshrc" block: | {{ rc_common }} [[ $(whoami) != "root" ]] && echo "`date` - Ansible .zshrc loaded successfully!" marker: '# {mark} MANAGED BY ANSIBLE | Aliases' state: present create: yes backup: yes loop: - "{{ user_root.home }}" - "{{ user_user.home }}" ignore_errors: yes when: user_root.home != "" and user_user.home != "" - name: General | Account Management | Users | Files | .vimrc blockinfile: path: "{{ item }}/.vimrc" block: | " Turn off syntax, flashy lights, etc. Make VIM into a basic editor. syntax off set nohlsearch set noautoindent noautowrite noshowmatch wrapmargin=0 report=1 ts=3 set ignorecase " Turn off auto-commenting. autocmd Filetype * set fo-=c fo-=r fo-=o " qq shortcut for immediately exiting all files without saving. nnoremap qq :qa! marker: '" {mark} MANAGED BY ANSIBLE | vimrc' state: present create: yes backup: yes loop: - "{{ user_root.home }}" - "{{ user_user.home }}" ignore_errors: yes when: user_root.home != "" and user_user.home != "" - name: General | Account Management | Users | Files | Ownership file: path: "{{ user_user.home }}/{{ item }}" owner: "{{ user }}" mode: '0755' loop: - .bashrc - .zshrc - .vimrc