--- # Setup swap file on systems without any swap available. # Must have the swap amount preferred set up in general.ini. # This does not handle if the user changes the file name or location later on. - name: General | Software | Swap block: - name: General | Software | Swap | Check For Swapfile stat: path: "{{ swap_file }}" register: swap_check - name: General | Software | Swap | Install Block block: - name: General | Software | Swap | Create Swapfile shell: "{{ item }}" loop: - dd if=/dev/zero of={{ swap_file }} bs={{ swap_block }} count={{ swap_count }} status=progress - chmod 600 {{ swap_file }} - mkswap {{ swap_file }} - swapon {{ swap_file }} # Only do the swapfile generation if it does not already exist. when: not swap_check.stat.exists # NixOS's swap setup is handled in nixos.yml when ansible.nix is created. - name: General | Software | Swap | Add to FSTAB lineinfile: path: /etc/fstab regexp: '^[\#]?{{ swap_file }}' line: '{{ swap_file }} none swap sw 0 0' state: present backup: yes when: ansible_distribution != "NixOS" # Only run through this file if the ini has been changed from false. when: swap_block != false