- name: Install Flatpak TODO! Make only for workstations package: name: flatpak update_cache: yes - name: Add Flathub for System flatpak_remote: name: flathub state: present method: system flatpakrepo_url: https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo - name: Remove packages that may come with an OS but are being installed as Flatpak package: name: - "{{ package_name.firefox }}" - "{{ package_name.thunderbird }}" state: absent - name: Install Discord flatpak: name: com.discordapp.Discord - name: Install Shotcut flatpak: name: org.shotcut.Shotcut - name: Install Firefox flatpak: name: org.mozilla.firefox - name: Install Thunderbird flatpak: name: org.mozilla.Thunderbird