--- # Create file to easily push git changes and call SCM. - name: General | Scripts | User | scm.sh blockinfile: path: "{{ user_user.home }}/bin/scm.sh" block: | # 20210211 - Make life easier! push.sh time curl https://scm.hyperling.com | sudo bash marker: '{mark}' marker_begin: "#!{{ bash_exec.stdout }}" marker_end: "exit 0" state: present create: yes - name: General | Scripts | User | scm.sh Permissions file: path: "{{ user_user.home }}/bin/scm.sh" mode: '0755' - name: General | Scripts | User | push.sh blockinfile: path: "{{ user_user.home }}/bin/push.sh" block: | # 20210215 - Make life even easier! ssh {{ user }}@leet "cd Code/Ansible/ansible-pull; git push" marker: '{mark}' marker_begin: "#!{{ bash_exec.stdout }}" marker_end: "exit 0" state: present create: yes - name: General | Scripts | User | push.sh Permissions file: path: "{{ user_user.home }}/bin/push.sh" mode: '0755' - name: General | Scripts | User | scm-dev.sh blockinfile: path: "{{ user_user.home }}/bin/scm-dev.sh" block: | # 20210713 - Make life easier for development! ## Variables ## # Use a specific branch if it was asked for. branch="dev" if [[ $1 != "" ]]; then branch="$1" fi ## Main ## push.sh time sudo {{ ansible_pull_exec.stdout }} -U https://github.com/Hyperling/ansible.git --checkout $branch marker: '{mark}' marker_begin: "#!{{ bash_exec.stdout }}" marker_end: "exit 0" state: present create: yes - name: General | Scripts | User | scm-dev.sh Permissions file: path: "{{ user_user.home }}/bin/scm-dev.sh" mode: '0755'