Hyperling 451e76559d
Add Git Server To Keep ansible-pull Traffic Local (#21)
* Fedora Minimal does not come with tar. Need installed for Telegraf.

* First attempt at automating HTTP git server setup.

* Add cron jobs to keep projects up to date.

* Add new git playbook to server.

* Add new server variables for git. Put all variables in a dictionary.

* Put variables into run file.

* Fix the loop variables to be dictionaries, not jinja.

* Upgrade nanominer.

* Attempt to fix templating error.

* Attempt to fix templating error, but in the right spot this time. :)

* Attempt another fix for building list of dictionaries.

* Change strings to dicts.

* Add quotes for jinja variables.

* Remove extra curly brackets.

* Fix the rest of the file's dictionaries now that General works.

* Remove testing code.

* Variablize ansible repo. Begin watching personal repos rather than pinging GitHub.

* Fix variables to append, not replace.

* Fix variable names.

* Try to prevent variables from being strings, without getting formatting error.

* Try to fix variables, again.

* Fixed git.yml. Found a way to test locally and all is working now.
2021-12-24 14:55:21 -06:00

172 lines
4.4 KiB

# Webserver to replace calling GitHub for projects.
# https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-http-git-server-with-nginx-on-debian-11/
## Variables ##
- name: Server | Software | Git | Check Config Variables
var: "{{ item }}"
- git_name
- git_branch
- git_url
- git_sep
- name: Server | Software | Git | Split Config Variables To Array
git_names: "{{ git_name.split(git_sep) }}"
git_branches: "{{ git_branch.split(git_sep) }}"
git_urls: "{{ git_url.split(git_sep) }}"
git_projects: []
- name: Server | Software | Git | Check Arrays
var: "{{ item }}"
- git_names
- git_branches
- git_urls
- name: Server | Software | Git | Build Dictionary
git_projects: "{{ git_projects + [{ 'name': git_names[item], 'branch': git_branches[item], 'url': git_urls[item] }] }}"
loop: "{{ range(0, git_names|length) | list }}"
- name: Server | Software | Git | Display Dictionary
var: git_projects
- name: Server | Software | Git | Variables 1
git_web_root: /var/www/html/git
git_config_file: /etc/nginx/conf.d/git.conf
git_nginx_user: www-data
- name: Server | Software | Git | Variables 2
git_cron_commands: "git pull --rebase && cd {{ git_web_root }}/ && chown -R {{ git_nginx_user }} . && chmod -R 775 ."
## Pre-reqs ##
- name: Server | Software | Git | Install
- nginx
- git
- fcgiwrap
- apache2-utils
- unzip
state: present
when: ansible_pkg_mgr == "apt"
## Repositories ##
- name: Server | Software | Git | Delete
path: "{{ git_web_root }}"
state: absent
- name: Server | Software | Git | Download
repo: "{{ item.url }}"
dest: "{{ git_web_root }}/{{ item.name }}.git"
version: "{{ item.branch }}"
clone: yes
force: yes
#ignore_errors: yes
loop: "{{ git_projects }}"
- name: Server | Software | Git | Permissions
path: "{{ git_web_root }}/{{ item.name }}.git"
state: directory
mode: '755'
owner: "{{ git_nginx_user }}"
group: "{{ git_nginx_user }}"
recurse: yes
loop: "{{ git_projects }}"
## NGINX ##
- name: Server | Software | Git | Index
path: "{{ git_web_root }}/index.html"
block: |
{{ item.name }}.git is cloned from {{ item.url }} using branch {{ item.branch }}.
state: present
mode: '755'
owner: "{{ git_nginx_user }}"
group: "{{ git_nginx_user }}"
create: yes
backup: yes
marker: "<!-- {mark} {{ item.name }} -->"
loop: "{{ git_projects }}"
- name: Server | Software | Git | Config
path: "{{ git_config_file }}"
block: |
server {
listen 80;
root {{ git_web_root }};
# Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP
index index.html;
#autoindex on;
server_name {{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ domain }};
location / {
# First attempt to serve request as file, then
# as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
location ~ (/.*) {
client_max_body_size 0;
#auth_basic "Hyperling's Git Login";
#auth_basic_user_file "{{ git_web_root }}/htpasswd";
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend;
fastcgi_param GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL "";
fastcgi_param GIT_PROJECT_ROOT {{ git_web_root }};
fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $1;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;
state: present
mode: '755'
create: yes
backup: yes
marker: "# {mark} Managed By Ansible Git Server Playbook -->"
- name: Server | Software | Git | Service
name: nginx
pattern: nginx
enabled: yes
state: restarted
## Cron ##
- name: Server | Software | Git | Cron | Hourly
name: "{{ item.name }} hourly"
special_time: hourly
job: "cd {{ git_web_root }}/{{ item.name }}.git && {{ git_cron_commands }}"
loop: "{{ git_projects }}"
- name: Server | Software | Git | Cron | Reboot
name: "{{ item.name }} reboot"
special_time: reboot
job: "cd {{ git_web_root }}/{{ item.name }}.git && {{ git_cron_commands }}"
loop: "{{ git_projects }}"