328 lines
14 KiB
328 lines
14 KiB
# Set up directory and files for specifying software needs rather than using hosts file.
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Variables 1
prov_dir: "/usr/local/etc/hyperling-scm"
provision_variables: []
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Variables 2
gen_file: "{{ prov_dir }}/general.ini"
wrk_file: "{{ prov_dir }}/workstation.ini"
mnr_file: "{{ prov_dir }}/miner.ini"
srv_file: "{{ prov_dir }}/server.ini"
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Create Directory
path: "{{ prov_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'
## General ##
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | General | Create
path: "{{ gen_file }}"
block: |
;;;;;;; Available options - all require lowercase values ;;;;;;
; enable : Provide true for the provision to occur.
; user : Provide the name of the user account.
; Example: tom, jerry, kim, sarah
; user_desc : Provide the description of the user account.
; Example: Thomas, Jerry, Kimberly, Sarah
; branch : Provide the Github branch that the machine should poll.
; Example: main, dev
; pentesting : Set to true to install tools such as metasploit (nmap is already provided for reporting)
; no_telem : Set to true to avoid setting up telemetry services.
; Disables GitHub updates to this project.
; Disables all telegraf pings.
; battery : Set to true to attempt to save battery life.
; Slows down the rate of services such as telegraf and cron.
marker: '; {mark} MANAGED BY ANSIBLE | Generic Config'
state: present
create: yes
backup: yes
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | General | Load
provision: "{{ lookup('ini', 'enable file={{gen_file}} default=false') }}"
user: "{{ lookup('ini', 'user file={{gen_file}} default=ling') }}"
user_desc: "{{ lookup('ini', 'user_desc file={{gen_file}} default=Hyperling') }}"
branch: "{{ lookup('ini', 'branch file={{gen_file}} default=main') }}"
pentesting: "{{ lookup('ini', 'pentesting file={{gen_file}} default=false') }}"
no_telem: "{{ lookup('ini', 'no_telem file={{gen_file}} default=false') }}"
battery: "{{ lookup('ini', 'battery file={{gen_file}} default=false') }}"
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | General | List
provision_variables: "{{ provision_variables | combine(item) }}"
- { 'provision': "{{ provision }}" }
- { 'user': "{{ user }}" }
- { 'user_desc': "{{ user_desc }}" }
- { 'branch': "{{ branch }}" }
- { 'pentesting': "{{ pentesting }}" }
- { 'no_telem': "{{ no_telem }}" }
- { 'battery': "{{ battery }}" }
## Workstation ##
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Workstation | Create
path: "{{ wrk_file }}"
block: |
;;;;;;; Available options - all require lowercase values ;;;;;;
; enable : Set to true for system to be considered a workstation.
; coding : Set to true for installation of code editors (VSCode, PyCharm, Android Studio)
; editing : Set to true for installation of Audio/Video editors (Shotcut, Audacity, OBS Stdio, GIMP)
; gaming : Set to true for installation of gaming software (Steam, Lutris)
; rdp : Set to true for installation of RDP protocol
; vnc : Set to true for installation of VNC protocol
; bsd_gpu : Set to [] to install GPU driver
; Example: amdgpu
; mobile : Set to true if not using an amd64 processor.
; Also used to disable tasks not helpful for Pinephone.
marker: '; {mark} MANAGED BY ANSIBLE | Workstation Config'
state: present
create: yes
backup: yes
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Workstation | Load
workstation: "{{ lookup('ini', 'enable file={{wrk_file}} default=false') }}"
coding: "{{ lookup('ini', 'coding file={{wrk_file}} default=false') }}"
editing: "{{ lookup('ini', 'editing file={{wrk_file}} default=false') }}"
gaming: "{{ lookup('ini', 'gaming file={{wrk_file}} default=false') }}"
rdp: "{{ lookup('ini', 'rdp file={{wrk_file}} default=false') }}"
vnc: "{{ lookup('ini', 'vnc file={{wrk_file}} default=false') }}"
bsd_gpu: "{{ lookup('ini', 'bsd_gpu file={{wrk_file}} default=false') }}"
mobile: "{{ lookup('ini', 'mobile file={{wrk_file}} default=false') }}"
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Workstation | List
provision_variables: "{{ provision_variables | combine(item) }}"
- { 'workstation': "{{ workstation }}" }
- { 'coding': "{{ coding }}" }
- { 'editing': "{{ editing }}" }
- { 'gaming': "{{ gaming }}" }
- { 'rdp': "{{ rdp }}" }
- { 'vnc': "{{ vnc }}" }
- { 'bsd_gpu': "{{ bsd_gpu }}" }
- { 'mobile': "{{ mobile }}" }
# No longer mining, this is now considered deprecated.
### Miner ##
#- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Miner | Create
# blockinfile:
# path: "{{ mnr_file }}"
# block: |
# ;;;;;;; Available options - all require lowercase values ;;;;;;
# ;
# ; enable : Set to true for system to be considered a miner.
# ;
# ; amdgpu : Set to true for installation of AMDGPU-Pro drivers on Ubuntu (20.04 preferred)
# ;
# ; nanominer : Set to true for installation of nanominer
# ;
# ; nanominer_cpu : Set to coin code that you'd like the CPU to work on
# ; Valid values: xmr
# ;
# ; nanominer_cpu_pool : Set to pool organization to use for CPU mining
# ; Valid values: nanopool
# ;
# ; nanominer_gpu : Set to coin code that you'd like the GPU to work on
# ; Valid values: eth
# ;
# ; nanominer_gpus : Set to comma list of GPU devices that should be used for nanominer
# ; Example: 0,2,3
# ;
# ; nanominer_gpu_pool : Set to pool organization to use for GPU mining
# ; Valid values: nanopool etherpool f2pool
# ;
# ; eth_minhashrate : Set to minimum hashrate over 10 minutes before restarting. Can accept M for Million and K for thousand.
# ; Example: 100K
# ;
# ; ethminer : Set to true for installation of ethminer
# ;
# ; nvidia : Set to true for NVidia support in ethminer.
# ;
# ; xmr_stak_cpu : Set to true for istallation
# ;
# [global]
# marker: '; {mark} MANAGED BY ANSIBLE | Miner Config'
# state: present
# create: yes
# backup: yes
#- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Miner | Load
# set_fact:
# miner: "{{ lookup('ini', 'enable file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# amdgpu: "{{ lookup('ini', 'amdgpu file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# nanominer: "{{ lookup('ini', 'nanominer file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# nanominer_cpu: "{{ lookup('ini', 'nanominer_cpu file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# nanominer_cpu_pool: "{{ lookup('ini', 'nanominer_cpu_pool file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# nanominer_gpu: "{{ lookup('ini', 'nanominer_gpu file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# nanominer_gpus: "{{ lookup('ini', 'nanominer_gpus file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# nanominer_gpu_pool: "{{ lookup('ini', 'nanominer_gpu_pool file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# eth_minhashrate: "{{ lookup('ini', 'eth_minhashrate file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# ethminer: "{{ lookup('ini', 'ethminer file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# nvidia: "{{ lookup('ini', 'nvidia file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
# xmr_stak_cpu: "{{ lookup('ini', 'xmr_stak_cpu file={{mnr_file}} default=false') }}"
#- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Miner | List
# set_fact:
# provision_variables: "{{ provision_variables | combine(item) }}"
# loop:
# - { 'miner': "{{ miner }}" }
# - { 'amdgpu': "{{ amdgpu }}" }
# - { 'nanominer': "{{ nanominer }}" }
# - { 'nanominer_cpu': "{{ nanominer_cpu }}" }
# - { 'nanominer_cpu_pool': "{{ nanominer_cpu_pool }}" }
# - { 'nanominer_gpu': "{{ nanominer_gpu }}" }
# - { 'nanominer_gpus': "{{ nanominer_gpus }}" }
# - { 'nanominer_gpu_pool': "{{ nanominer_gpu_pool }}" }
# - { 'eth_minhashrate': "{{ eth_minhashrate }}" }
# - { 'ethminer': "{{ ethminer }}" }
# - { 'nvidia': "{{ nvidia }}" }
# - { 'xmr_stak_cpu': "{{ xmr_stak_cpu }}" }
## Server ##
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Server | Create
path: "{{ srv_file }}"
block: |
;;;;;;; Parameters ;;;;;;
; enable : Set to true for system to be considered a server.
; domain : Set to the domain which gives the server its FQDN.
; Example: hyperling.com
; onlyoffice : Set to true for this server to be configured as an OnlyOffice server.
; grafana : Set to true for this server to be configured as an Grafana web server.
; influxdb1 : Set to true for this server to be configured as an Influx 1 DB server.
; influxdb2 : Set to true for this server to be configured as an Influx 2 DB + web server.
; certbot : Set to true to add cron job for `certbot renew`.
; Never got these fully working or did not understand how to use them.
; hugo : Set to true to install HUGO static website generator.
; gitlab : ee - Installs Enterprise Edition Free Tier. Basically CE with an easier upgrade path for Paid Features.
; ce - Installs Community Edition. Excludes paid features if you'll never use them. Supposedly difficult to move to EE.
; Example: ce
; gitlab_url : The URL prefix for the server. Using 'http://mygitlabserver' would result in "http://mygitlabserver.((domain))".
; Regardless of whether you choose http or https, the Certbot config will be skipped since the maintainer uses a reverse proxy.
; Example: https://gitlab
; git : Set to true for this server to be configured as an HTTP git server.
; git_name : Name(s) of project(s) that the Git server should host.
; Example: ansible#ansible-dev
; git_branch : Branch(es) of project(s) corresponding with git_name.
; Example: main#dev
; git_url : URL(s) of project(s) corresponding with git_name.
; Example: https://github.com/Hyperling/ansible#https://github.com/Hyperling/ansible
; git_sep : Separator for git variables above.
; Example: #
marker: '; {mark} MANAGED BY ANSIBLE | Server Config'
state: present
create: yes
backup: yes
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Server | Load
server: "{{ lookup('ini', 'enable file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
domain: "{{ lookup('ini', 'domain file={{srv_file}} default=hyperling.com') }}"
onlyoffice: "{{ lookup('ini', 'onlyoffice file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
grafana: "{{ lookup('ini', 'grafana file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
influxdb1: "{{ lookup('ini', 'influxdb1 file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
influxdb2: "{{ lookup('ini', 'influxdb2 file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
certbot: "{{ lookup('ini', 'certbot file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
hugo: "{{ lookup('ini', 'hugo file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
gitlab: "{{ lookup('ini', 'gitlab file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
gitlab_url: "{{ lookup('ini', 'gitlab_url file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
git: "{{ lookup('ini', 'git file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
git_name: "{{ lookup('ini', 'git_name file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
git_branch: "{{ lookup('ini', 'git_branch file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
git_url: "{{ lookup('ini', 'git_url file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
git_sep: "{{ lookup('ini', 'git_sep file={{srv_file}} default=false') }}"
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Server | List
provision_variables: "{{ provision_variables | combine(item) }}"
- { 'server': "{{ server }}" }
- { 'domain': "{{ domain }}" }
- { 'onlyoffice': "{{ onlyoffice }}" }
- { 'grafana': "{{ grafana }}" }
- { 'influxdb1': "{{ influxdb1 }}" }
- { 'influxdb2': "{{ influxdb2 }}" }
- { 'certbot': "{{ certbot }}" }
- { 'hugo': "{{ hugo }}" }
- { 'gitlab': "{{ gitlab }}" }
- { 'gitlab_url': "{{ gitlab_url }}" }
- { 'git': "{{ git }}" }
- { 'git_name': "{{ git_name }}" }
- { 'git_branch': "{{ git_branch }}" }
- { 'git_url': "{{ git_url }}" }
- { 'git_sep': "{{ git_sep }}" }
## Exit if not turned on yet ##
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Exit Check
shell: echo "Please configure the config files in {{ prov_dir }} then try again." && exit 1
when: provision != true
## Display values ##
- name: General | Account Management | Provisioning Configuration | Print
var: provision_variables