Hyperling b3b2874ad3
Software Updates, FreeBSD Sendmail, GitLab Fixes (#18)
* Assign test to dev branch.

* Update telegraf Linux binary.

* First attempt at making sure sendmail is on FreeBSD systems.

* Change gitlab_url to be specified in host file.

* Upgrade nanominer.

* Fix FINISH file being populated without START on non-containers.

* Prevent installer from trying to set up certificate.

* Fix name spacing.

* Fix gitlab_url variable.

* Change names to show both parameter name and value.

* Fix gitlab_url values to contain the protocol.

* Fix gitlab_url example.
2021-11-21 22:28:11 +00:00

107 lines
3.3 KiB

# Install a Gitlab server for hosting software projects.
## Checks ##
- name: "Server | Software | GitLab | Checks | Host Variable [gitlab]={{ gitlab }}"
shell: echo "ERROR! Variable has an invalid value!" && exit 1
when: gitlab not in ("ee", "ce")
- name: "Server | Software | GitLab | Checks | Host Variable [gitlab_url]={{ gitlab_url }}"
gitlab_url: "https://gitlab"
when: gitlab_url is not defined
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Checks | Play Variables
gitlab_bundle: "gitlab-{{ gitlab }}"
gitlab_config: /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
# Ensure other version is not installed.
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Checks | Remove EE
name: gitlab-ee
state: absent
when: gitlab == "ce"
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Checks | Remove CE
name: gitlab-ce
state: absent
when: gitlab == "ee"
## Install ##
# https://about.gitlab.com/install/?version=ce#ubuntu
# https://about.gitlab.com/install/?version=ce#centos-8 (Fedora)
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Install | Check
shell: which gitlab-ctl
ignore_errors: yes
register: gitlab_installed
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Install | Pre-Reqs
update_cache: yes
- curl
- openssh-server
- ca-certificates
- tzdata
- perl
- postfix
state: present
when: gitlab_installed.failed
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Install | Add Repo (apt)
shell: curl https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/{{ gitlab_bundle }}/script.deb.sh | bash
when: gitlab_installed.failed and ansible_pkg_mgr == "apt"
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Install | Add Repo (dnf)
shell: curl https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/{{ gitlab_bundle }}/script.rpm.sh | bash
when: gitlab_installed.failed and ansible_pkg_mgr == "dnf"
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Install | Install
shell: EXTERNAL_URL="{{ gitlab_url | replace("https","http") }}.{{ domain }}" {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} install -y {{ gitlab_bundle }}
when: gitlab_installed.failed
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Install | Get Password
shell: cat /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password && cp /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password ~/
register: gitlab_passwd
when: gitlab_installed.failed
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Install | Print Password
var: gitlab_passwd.stdout_lines
when: gitlab_installed.failed
## Configuration ##
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/next_steps.html
# Need to make server think it's https but not actually listen for it, otherwise reverse proxy doesn't work.
# https://www.itsfullofstars.de/2019/06/gitlab-behind-a-reverse-proxy/
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Configure | Check External URL
path: "{{ gitlab_config }}"
regexp: '^external_url '
line: "external_url '{{ gitlab_url }}.{{ domain }}' # Managed by Ansible"
state: present
create: yes
backup: yes
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Configure | Turn Off Serving Local SSL
path: "{{ gitlab_config }}"
block: |
nginx['listen_port'] = 80
nginx['listen_https'] = false
marker: "# {mark} MANAGED BY ANSIBLE - {{ gitlab_config }}"
state: present
create: yes
backup: yes
- name: Server | Software | GitLab | Configure | Reconfigure
shell: gitlab-ctl reconfigure