Hyperling b3b2874ad3
Software Updates, FreeBSD Sendmail, GitLab Fixes (#18)
* Assign test to dev branch.

* Update telegraf Linux binary.

* First attempt at making sure sendmail is on FreeBSD systems.

* Change gitlab_url to be specified in host file.

* Upgrade nanominer.

* Fix FINISH file being populated without START on non-containers.

* Prevent installer from trying to set up certificate.

* Fix name spacing.

* Fix gitlab_url variable.

* Change names to show both parameter name and value.

* Fix gitlab_url values to contain the protocol.

* Fix gitlab_url example.
2021-11-21 22:28:11 +00:00

48 lines
1.1 KiB

# Ensure /var/spool/clientmque folder doesn't overflow.
# Preferably only on servers that don't already have postfix?
- name: Server | Sendmail | Variables
sendmail: sendmail
sendmail_queue: sendmail_msp_queue
- name: Server | Sendmail | Check
shell: which postfix
register: postfix
- name: Server | Sendmail | Install
- "{{ sendmail }}"
state: present
when: postfix.failed
- name: Server | Sendmail | Configure
path: /etc/rc.conf
block: |
marker: "# {mark} MANAGED BY ANSIBLE - sendmail"
state: present
create: yes
backup: yes
when: postfix.failed and ansible_system == "FreeBSD"
- name: Server | Sendmail | Enable + Start | Main
name: "{{ sendmail }}"
pattern: "{{ sendmail }}"
state: started
enabled: yes
when: postfix.failed
- name: Server | Sendmail | Enable + Start | Queue
name: "{{ sendmail_queue }}"
pattern: "{{ sendmail_queue }}"
state: started
enabled: yes
when: postfix.failed and ansible_system == "FreeBSD"