* Fix metasplot install if /usr/local/bin is not active in path yet. Also use variables. * Use plocate on openSUSE. Supposed to be faster. Cannot have both m and p installed at the same time and p comes with the base system. * Include wheel group for user as well. * Finalize GNOME settings, go with RC commands instead of dconf module. * Add hostname to report files. * Add TBD for shared home situation. * Fix cron service for Fedora. * Disable the power button. * Fix Fedora ffmpeg issues. Move package modules from flatpak playbook. Uninstall firefox from package manager. * Enhance update function to handle shared home between multiple distributions. * Allow keeping local backups of files. * Replace flatpak repair check with accept flag instead of battery so that any automated update runs do the cleanup. * Begin hoarding settings files. * Start building out a FireFox profile. * Fix extra comment command in comment. * Add an All option to completely compress the entire directory. * Codium is still broken on all tested systems, hide from Favorites. * Add scipt to handle audio files. Also can convert to 432Hz. * Use cut instead of awk to get rid of first parameter. Fixes bugs when spaces are allowed in the filenames. * Enhancements and bugfix for "$freq". * Add playbook for desktop VPN clients. Start with Mullvad. * Add website to the seeded projects. * Add firmware updates to the update function. * Allow `fwupdmgr` to fail and have `update` still continue. * Shorten lines. * Uninstall DeltaChat. * Separate the firmware update into its own function. * Add alias for cloning one folder to another without using rm/cp. * Fix typo in rsync. * Go ahead and add extra options. * Make the files human readable size descriptions. * Remove unnecessary v, P does good enough.
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# Lynis hardness check.
- name: General | Tests | Lynis | Set Facts
lynis_file: "{{ user_user.home }}/Reports/{{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ lynis_report }}"
- name: General | Tests | Lynis | Set Facts 2
lynis_temp_file: "{{ lynis_file }}.tmp"
- name: General | Tests | Lynis | Rename Old Install
shell: mv "/usr/local/lynis" "/usr/local/src/"
ignore_errors: yes
- name: General | Tests | Lynis | Install
dest: "{{ lynis_install_dir }}"
clone: yes
force: yes
ignore_errors: yes
- name: General | Tests | Lynis | Ensure Permissions (Looking at you Parrot OS!)
path: "{{ lynis_install_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0644'
owner: root
group: "{{ root_group }}"
recurse: yes
- name: General | Tests | Lynis | Ensure Permissions 2
path: "{{ lynis_install_dir }}/lynis"
mode: '0755'
- name: General | Tests | Lynis | Ensure Folder Permissions
path: "{{ lynis_install_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'
recurse: no
- name: General | Tests | Lynis | Run System Audit
shell: "{{ item }}"
- "./lynis audit system --no-colors > {{ lynis_temp_file }} 2>&1"
- "mv {{ lynis_temp_file }} {{ lynis_file }}"
executable: "{{ bash_exec.stdout }}"
chdir: "{{ lynis_install_dir }}"
- name: General | Tests | Lynis | Make Report Readable
path: "{{ lynis_file }}"
mode: '0644'