# Invidious configuration. # This is a revised version of the original work here: # https://hub.docker.com/_/nextcloud # Changelog: # 2023-07-16 Change from mariadb:10.5 to 10.6. version: "3" services: invidious: image: quay.io/invidious/invidious:latest restart: always ports: - "8300:3000" env_file: - ./inv.env environment: # Please read the following file for a comprehensive list of all available # configuration options and their associated syntax: # https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/blob/master/config/config.example.yml INVIDIOUS_CONFIG: | db: dbname: invidious user: password: host: invidious-db port: 5432 check_tables: true # external_port: domain: # https_only: false # statistics_enabled: false hmac_key: healthcheck: test: wget -nv --tries=1 --spider || exit 1 interval: 30s timeout: 5s retries: 2 logging: options: max-size: "1G" max-file: "4" depends_on: - invidious-db invidious-db: image: docker.io/library/postgres:14 restart: always volumes: - ../../Volumes/Invidious/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data - ../../Volumes/Invidious/postgres/config/sql:/config/sql - ../../Volumes/Invidious/postgres/init-invidious-db.sh:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-invidious-db.sh env_file: - ./pg.env environment: POSTGRES_DB: invidious POSTGRES_USER: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U $$POSTGRES_USER -d $$POSTGRES_DB"]