# Example environment file for Nextcloud stack, should be copied as `.env`. The # variables here only apply to the compose file. If you need it passed to a # container then it also needs specified in its `environment:` operator. # # ** All usernames and passwords need changed before running in production! ** # # Full guide on the Nextcloud parameters which may be supplied: # https://github.com/docker-library/docs/blob/master/nextcloud/README.md#auto-configuration-via-environment-variables # ## Nextcloud ## # NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_USER=nc_admin NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=SuperDuperSecretPassword PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT=2G PHP_UPLOAD_LIMIT=5G # ## MariaDB ## # # Should load automatically the first run. Then config.php is the source of # truth for these values. So, if something like the DB password is changed, # updating it here will have no effect. This is only used for the install. MYSQL_HOST=nc-db MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=ChangeMe MYSQL_USER=nc MYSQL_PASSWORD=changeme # ## Redis ## # # Installs automagically if both of these parameters are supplied. REDIS_HOST=nc-redis REDIS_HOST_PASSWORD=someredispassword # ## OnlyOffice ## # # How Nextcloud's ONLYOFFICE Admin Settings should be set up: # OO Address: https://FQDN-For-Reverse-Proxied-OO-Server # OO Secret: Contents-Of-$JWT_SECRET # OO Header: # OO Internal Address: http://docker-server-ip:8081 ?OR http://nc-oo:8081? # NC Internal Address: http://docker-server-ip:8080 ?OR http://nc-app:8080? # # Documentation which references the variable(s) below, Nextcloud link does not cover them: # https://helpcenter.onlyoffice.com/installation/docs-configure-jwt.aspx # Secret key which is used above in the Nextcloud ONLYOFFICE Administration UI. JWT_SECRET=abc123