2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on
# your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page
# and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running ‘ nixos-help’ ).
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# Helpful Documentation
# NixOS Manual:
# https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/
# NixOS All Options:
# https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/options.html
# Option Search:
# https://search.nixos.org/options
# Package Search:
# https://search.nixos.org/packages
# Make each section is own $.nix file and include it based on Ansible checks.
{ config , pkgs , nix , . . . }:
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# System Configuration
imports = [
# Include the results of the hardware scan.
# Include any static entries that are handled outside of this project.
# Include anything that Ansible has created.
# Home Manager.
] ;
# This value determines the NixOS release from which the default
# settings for stateful data, like file locations and database versions
# on your system were taken. It‘ s perfectly fine and recommended to leave
# this value at the release version of the first install of this system.
# Before changing this value read the documentation for this option
# (e.g. man configuration.nix or on https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html).
system . stateVersion = " 2 3 . 0 5 " ; # Did you read the comment?
# System Package Configuration
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# Bootloader.
boot . loader . grub . enable = true ;
boot . loader . grub . device = " / d e v / s d a " ;
boot . loader . grub . useOSProber = true ;
# Setup keyfile
boot . initrd . secrets = {
" / c r y p t o _ k e y f i l e . b i n " = null ;
} ;
# Enable grub cryptodisk
boot . loader . grub . enableCryptodisk = true ;
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# TBD: Does not work. Goes in "nix.conf"?
#nix.extraOptions = "
# --extra-experimental-features
# General Networking Configuration
# Enable networking
networking . networkmanager . enable = true ;
# Open ports in the firewall.
# networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ ... ];
# networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ ... ];
# Or disable the firewall altogether.
# networking.firewall.enable = false;
# TBD: Should this be here?
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
boot . initrd . luks . devices . " l u k s - 3 9 a e 7 2 0 3 - d 5 a f - 4 7 b f - 9 5 f 6 - b 4 f 0 e e f e b f c 6 " . keyFile = " / c r y p t o _ k e y f i l e . b i n " ;
# networking.wireless.enable = true; # Enables wireless support via wpa_supplicant.
# Configure network proxy if necessary
# networking.proxy.default = "http://user:password@proxy:port/";
# networking.proxy.noProxy = ",localhost,internal.domain";
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# Locale
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# Set your time zone.
time . timeZone = " A m e r i c a / P h o e n i x " ;
# Select internationalisation properties.
i18n . defaultLocale = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
i18n . extraLocaleSettings = {
LC_ADDRESS = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
LC_IDENTIFICATION = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
LC_MEASUREMENT = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
LC_MONETARY = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
LC_NAME = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
LC_NUMERIC = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
LC_PAPER = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
LC_TELEPHONE = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
LC_TIME = " e n _ U S . U T F - 8 " ;
} ;
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# User Setup
# Define a user account. Don't forget to set a password with ‘ passwd’ .
users . users . ling = {
isNormalUser = true ;
description = " H y p e r l i n g " ;
extraGroups = [ " n e t w o r k m a n a g e r " " w h e e l " " s u d o " " m l o c a t e " " d o c k e r " ] ;
#packages = with pkgs; [
# #firefox
# #thunderbird
} ;
# Desktop Environment
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# Enable the X11 windowing system.
services . xserver . enable = true ;
# Enable the GNOME Desktop Environment.
services . xserver . displayManager . gdm . enable = true ;
services . xserver . desktopManager . gnome . enable = true ;
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# Remove the GNOME default packages.
#services.gnome.core-utilities.enable = false;
# GSettings, DConf type stuff.
# https://nixos.wiki/wiki/GNOME
#services.xserver.desktopManager.gnome = {
# extraGSettingsOverrides = ''
# # Favorite apps in gnome-shell
# [org.gnome.shell]
# favorite-apps= \
# [ 'org.gnome.Terminal.desktop', 'gnome-system-monitor.desktop' \
# , 'org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop' \
# , 'librewolf.desktop', 'firefox.desktop' \
# , 'org.gnome.Evolution.desktop', 'deltachat.desktop' \
# , 'codium.desktop' \
# , 'org.shotcut.Shotcut.desktop', 'lbry.desktop' \
# , 'android-studio.desktop' \
# , 'signal-desktop.desktop' \
# ]
# # TBD Need to finish figuring out how to load these.
# [org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock]
# dock-position='LEFT'
# dock-fixed=true
# dash-max-icon-size=28
# '';
# extraGSettingsOverridePackages = [
# pkgs.gnome.gnome-shell # for org.gnome.shell, not sure if it works TBD.
# #pkgs.gnomeExtensions.dash-to-dock # TBD Not sure what to do here yet.
# ];
# Maybe try this?
# https://hoverbear.org/blog/declarative-gnome-configuration-in-nixos/
#programs.dconf.enable = true;
#dconf.settings = {
# "org/gnome/shell/" = {
# favorite-apps = [
# "org.gnome.Terminal.desktop"
# "gnome-system-monitor.desktop"
# "org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop"
# "librewolf.desktop"
# "firefox.desktop"
# "org.gnome.Evolution.desktop"
# "deltachat.desktop"
# "codium.desktop"
# "org.shotcut.Shotcut.desktop"
# "lbry.desktop"
# "android-studio.desktop"
# "signal-desktop.desktop"
# ];
# };
# Or this?
# https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/index.html#sec-install-nixos-module
# https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/options.html#opt-dconf.settings
#programs.dconf.enable = true;
#home-manager.users.ling = { pkgs, ... }: {
# home.packages = [ pkgs.atool pkgs.httpie ];
# dconf.settings = {
# "/org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock" = {
# dock-position = "'LEFT'";
# dock-fixed = true;
# dash-max-icon-size = 24;
# };
# };
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# Configure keymap in X11
services . xserver = {
layout = " u s " ;
xkbVariant = " a l t g r - i n t l " ;
} ;
# Enable CUPS to print documents.
services . printing . enable = true ;
# Enable sound with pipewire.
sound . enable = true ;
hardware . pulseaudio . enable = false ;
security . rtkit . enable = true ;
services . pipewire = {
enable = true ;
alsa . enable = true ;
alsa . support32Bit = true ;
pulse . enable = true ;
# If you want to use JACK applications, uncomment this
#jack.enable = true;
# use the example session manager (no others are packaged yet so this is enabled by default,
# no need to redefine it in your config for now)
#media-session.enable = true;
} ;
# Enable touchpad support (enabled default in most desktopManager).
# services.xserver.libinput.enable = true;
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# Package Management
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# Allow unfree packages
nixpkgs . config . allowUnfree = true ;
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# List packages installed in system profile.
# To search for names, run `nix search wget` or use the website in the header.
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
environment . systemPackages = with pkgs ; [
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# General
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
#ansible # try installing under Python then maybe it can use psutil?
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# Python Setup
# Main documentation
# https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#python
# See what modules are available, and which Python they are attached to:
# ls -l $(find "$(dirname $(which python))/.." -name site-packages)
# Looks like 3.10, not 3.11 like was being installed. So annoying!
# https://discourse.nixos.org/t/python3-not-importing-modules/22061/2
( python3 . withPackages ( ps : with ps ; [
pip # Works fine! Can access via `pip` or `python -m pip`.
psutil # Not working. Not in path nor `-m`. Maybe not supposed to be, but ansible dconf module still saying "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psutil'" Maybe add to ansible's python somehow?
ansible # Nope, not accessible!!! WHAT!!!
ansible-core # It's here! Thanks https://pypi.org/project/ansible/, psutil still not available though!!!!!!!!!!!!!
] ) )
#python3Packages.psutil # This does not work either, nor any 310 type versions.
#python3Packages.ansible # This does not work either, nor any 310 type versions.
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# Coding
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
zulu # OpenJDK
#zulu8 # OpenJDK 8
#godot # If using C#
godot_4 # If using Godot Script
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# Editing
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
# Workstation
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
gnomeExtensions . dash-to-dock
gnome . nautilus
gnome . gnome-tweaks
gnome . dconf-editor
#gnome.gnome-terminal # This does not theme well and is different from Console.
gnome . gnome-system-monitor
gnome . gedit
gnome . geary
gnome . evince
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
#etcher # Broken as of 20231013, uses too old a version of Electron.
# Wallets
#exodus # Not being found, 403 error.
# Server
# Not needed, prefer setting 'virtualisation.docker.enable'.
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
] ;
# Some programs need SUID wrappers, can be configured further or are
# started in user sessions.
# programs.mtr.enable = true;
# programs.gnupg.agent = {
# enable = true;
# enableSSHSupport = true;
# };
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
## List services that you want to enable ##
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# Configure the OpenSSH daemon.
services . openssh = {
enable = true ;
ports = [
] ;
settings = {
PermitRootLogin = " n o " ;
AllowTcpForwarding = " n o " ;
ClientAliveInterval = 60 ;
ClientAliveCountMax = 2 ;
Compression = " n o " ;
LogLevel = " V E R B O S E " ;
MaxAuthTries = 3 ;
MaxSessions = 2 ;
TCPKeepAlive = " n o " ;
X11Forwarding = false ;
AllowAgentForwarding = " n o " ;
PermitEmptyPasswords = " n o " ;
} ;
} ;
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# Non-System Package Configuration
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00
Finalize Working Version (#1)
* Add more GNOME helpers.
* Fix typo, adjust output.
* Update readme.
* Add more programs and a TBD.
* Add OpenJDK 8 as well.
* More programs, fix mlocate, start working on GNOME settings.
* Add success message.
* Fixing favorites, for some reason the files are different on NixOS than systems using Ansible.
* Add cron. Start working on header details.
* Modify Python configuration for ansible playbooks.
* More work on Python. Still not getting success with psutil.
* NixOS, python, and psutil are still being dumb with ansible.
* Add imagemagick for compressing file sizes.
* Automatically create backups the first time this is run each day.
* Create an example file.
* More comments, SSHD config, a few fixes, some TBDs, and general reorganization.
* Add a disclaimer.
* Make the file look more like a developer wrote it.
* Try adding wallets. Exodus seems broken. Monero works.
* Start trying a different route for dconf settings. May require "home manager".
* Add Docker.
* Create a static and ansible file. Import them, and give examples of what they are for.
* Add comments brainstorming how to do the different setups.
* Add home-manager. Still no luck with dconf. Not in Ansible either.
* Add godot.
* Add zsh.
* Move to Godot4.
* Remove extra space.
* Add balena etcher for USB sticks.
* Remove etcher, seems to have broken ability to update or install anything.
* Add a bittorrent client.
* Remove excess ssh ports. They were probably for testing.
2023-10-17 04:33:40 -07:00
# Be able to use the locate command.
services . locate . locate = pkgs . mlocate ;
services . locate . localuser = null ;
services . locate . enable = true ;
# Docker
virtualisation . docker . enable = true ;
2023-09-05 21:23:05 -07:00