
My Public Programs

I write free software! Please feel welcome to browse anything I have created.

Android Apps


Carb Up! BETA

Calculate cost-effectiveness of foods on a High Carb Low Fat lifestyle.

[Play Store] [APK]

TBD: [F-Droid] [Github]


45 Minute Rule

Determine when to go to bed if you'd like to wake up during light sleep.

[Play Store] [APK]

TBD: [F-Droid] [Github]


Infinite Timer

Play your notification sound at your chosen Hour:Minute:Second interval.

[Play Store] [APK]

TBD: [F-Droid] [Github]



Began developing some games for fun. Not near a finished state, but "playable".

[Play Store ] [APK]

TBD: [F-Droid] [Github]

Other Programs

For a full list of my programs including my Ansible automation, Docker setup, source code for this website, and fun projects like an obfuscating editor and music fixer, check out my Github.